Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Journal Prompts 2011-2012

Following are the details for the eighth grade journal prompts for 2011-2012:

These journal prompts are for your reflection and writing and for me to get to know you better. For each prompt, you should generate an email to me at with your response. Though your work is submitted through email, your writing should still adhere to the rules of proper grammar and punctuation. Do not use abbreviations or slang terms. Your responses should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You are free to turn in your journal prompts at any time during the month, but no later than the last day of the month in which it is due. For example: your September prompt is due anytime between now and 11:59 pm on September 30. You may be tempted to wait until the last minute (11:59); please do not do this! Technology is not foolproof; interruptions occur. Any journal responses received after the due date will not be accepted. You may not submit a journal earlier than the month in which it is due. (For example, do not turn in November’s response in October.) I will respond to you via email with your grade and any comments.

If you lose this list, you are still responsible for the journal prompts. See me to get a replacement. Because you have approximately one month to complete this assignment, not having Internet access is not an acceptable excuse for missing journal prompts. Please see me to arrange time on-line if you are unable to access the Internet from your home. I am available during lunch, homeroom and after school.

When you email your prompt, do not attach it to your email—instead, type it directly into the email message, or copy and paste it from your word processing software. I will not open attachments and you will receive a zero for the journal prompt. Your subject MUST read: Name, (month) journal prompt. EX: Daniel Hodgkins November Journal Prompt. Journals go directly into a special folder and not properly completing the subject will result in a zero for the assignment.

Questions? See me! Happy Journaling!

Journal Prompts

September What makes you laugh? Give a specific example of an event that happened that made you laugh, or discuss a movie or book that made you laugh.

October What is your most indispensable possession? Why?

November What things are better than going to school? Why? Discuss the three things in detail and make me feel like I was with you, enjoying them, too.

December If you could only take three people with you on a trip around the world, who would you take and why? Make a connection to a book you have read or a movie you have seen.

What is the best gift you have ever given to another person? Think of a gift someone has given in a book you have read or movie you have seen. Describe how your gift and the gift from the book or movie are similar and different.

February Who is your best friend? What makes your best friend your best friend? Think of a book you have read or a movie you have seen that includes best friends. What is similar about your friendships? What is different?

March What talents do you have? Do you like having these talents? Can you think of a book you have read or a movie you have seen where someone has a similar talent? How about someone who does not like his or her talent, but finds it helpful in the end? Describe in detail.

April What three words describe you right now? Be very detailed in your answers and try to think of three distinct words. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to enhance your writing.

May If you could do eighth grade all over again, what would you do differently?

June What would you like me to remember about you when you graduate?